Tiago MiguelComplexity analysis of linear and binary search using PythonCode otimisation is an essential step to make it less resource consuming. Let’s see the differences between linear and binary search.Feb 4, 2021Feb 4, 2021
Tiago MiguelinThe StartupSQLite: Keeping Your Tables OrganisedLearn how simple steps can help you keep tables in your database organised.Jan 30, 2021Jan 30, 2021
Tiago MiguelinTowards Data ScienceHow the LSTM improves the RNNUnderstand the differences between LSTMs and RNNs.Jan 1, 2021Jan 1, 2021
Tiago MiguelinTowards Data ScienceRNNs from theory to PyTorchLet me show you what RNNs are, where they are used, how they forward and backward propagate and how to use them in PyTorch.Dec 19, 2020Dec 19, 2020
Tiago MiguelUsing an MPC to control a system: Applying the controller to the systemLet’s optimize the error function, derivate it and make simulations!Nov 21, 2020Nov 21, 2020
Tiago MiguelUsing an MPC to control a system: The error functionAn error function is crucial fo simulators to measure their mistakes and improve.Nov 14, 2020Nov 14, 2020
Tiago MiguelUsing an MPC to control a system: Discretizing the state-space equation systemTo make the model useful for a computer, we need to discretize it in order to make predictions.Nov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020
Tiago MiguelinThe StartupUsing an MPC to Control a System: Defining the SystemAn MPC works around a model, let’s define it!Oct 31, 2020Oct 31, 2020
Tiago MiguelinArtificial Intelligence in Plain EnglishAre CNNs much different from MLPs?I Compare the architectures of the CNN with that from the MLP.Aug 5, 2020Aug 5, 2020
Tiago MiguelinArtificial Intelligence in Plain EnglishUnderstanding the Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP)We’ll see how can we extend the perceptron to improve its predictive power.Jul 23, 2020Jul 23, 2020